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Tuesday, November 2, 2010

What a night!

I'm not gonna lie: the party the other night was awesome. My team actually won the volley ball competition, go figure. I'd ended up trying to go for this awesome spike, but somehow got tangled in the net, flipped over and land on my face. It wasn't my most flattering moment.... The food was awesome! You really can't go wrong with barbecued sausage, burgers, hot dogs, and chicken. I normally don't like the chicken, but that chef has got some skills. Overall, it was a great time. We played football in the tide until it got too cold, and then we had the bonfire; it's kinda sad how much lighter fluid they needed for that thing. Anyways, it was just awesome. A bunch of new guys came, too, including my little brother and a few of his friends. I think they might join soon... it would be great to be able to share all of these experiences with my brother. He'd be such a good fit with The Sharing.

On a different note, I've heard something in the news about some dumb kids playing with fireworks in that old abandoned construction site in town. It bugs me, because it's kids like that we could help here at The Sharing.  They really could have hurt themselves messing with that stuff, especially in that rusty place. If anyone knows who they are - or anyone else who could use a helping hand - please tell them to give us a call.