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Sunday, October 31, 2010

Beach Party!

I'm so stoked! Tomorrow night, we're having a party down on the beach. It's gonna be great. We're gonna have barbecue, and play volleyball, and there's this guy named Collin that plays the guitar really well; he's going to be there, too. After dark, we'll have a bonfire. I can't wait.... One of the coolest things is that any one who wants to can come. Everyone's invited! If you're free tomorrow night at 7:00, come join us! We'd be glad to have you.

Monday, October 25, 2010

Just met the new Director

Tonight was a great meeting! The new director of The Sharing, a man named Victor Trent, spoke to us all tonight. He's a great guy. Mr. Armstrong, the previous director, brags on him so much. The two seemed like father and son, I'm told (I'm still kinda new). Mr. Armstrong passed the reigns on to Mr. Trent a few weeks ago, saying that "he truly is a leader, and has great plans for The Sharing. We'll achieve things we've never even dreamed of with him at the head of our organization."

Anyways, at the meeting, Mr. Trent (he insists that we just call him Victor) told us about how important it is to be open with each other, that we shouldn't have to do things on our own. I so totally agree with him. Life is hard at times, and it would be so nice if I could step back and let somebody else make the decisions. I mean, we need to know what we think is right and act on it, but that doesn't mean that we have to do it all alone... I think I'll sign off with that remark; at the Sharing, you're never alone.

Sunday, October 24, 2010

My name is Tom.

My name is Tom. I'm part of this really great Organization called "The Sharing". It's kind of like Boy Scouts or something, but way better. It's a place for people who want to be a part of something greater. We're a real family here. There's something for everyone; kids get to hang out with each other, and adults get to connect and network together. Really, it's just a place for people to get together and make wholesome, healthy relationships with people, and have a blast doing it, too.

We do all sorts of fun stuff.... We often have cook-outs on the beach, go water-skiing, and a bunch of other stuff. We also like to help out our community by doing park pick-ups and blood drives. It's such a great place to be. The people there make you feel like you belong.

Anyways, I'm making this blog to tell everyone that I can all about it. Check it out! We'd love to have you join us. And after you've seen how great it is, tell your friends, too! Everyone is wanted at The Sharing.